The Pérez Galdós Editions Project, although based at the University of Sheffield, has always aspired to become a focus for ideas and collaboration from beyond that University.
Over the past two years we have greatly benefited from the advice of academics in both the UK and Spain. We appreciated comments of those lecturers who replied to our circular letters and hope that they will maintain contact with the project. In the meantime, we would welcome all advice.
June: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) ‘“¡Viva la señora!”. La evolución creativa y pasos hacia el futuro en el drama de Doña Perfecta (1896)’, at the XII Congreso Internacional galdosiano, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
(Rhian Davies, publication) ‘Revisting “Place” in a Realist Novel: “Thinking Space” in Galdós’s Torquemada en la hoguera (1889)’, Hispanic Research Journal, 21(4) (2021), 353-76.
(Rhian Davies, publication) ‘¿«En busca del «hombre nuevo»? Retratos de la masculinidad en las Novelas de Torquemada (1889-95)’, In La hora de Galdos. Actas del XI Congreso Internacional de estudios galdosianos, ed. Yolanda Arencibia et al (Las Palmas: Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 2019), pp.893-914.
(Rhian Davies, publication) ‘Space and Place in Alejandro Galindo’s 1950 Film Adaptation of Galdós’s Doña Perfecta (1876)’, Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 95(4) (2018), 417-434.
April: PhD awarded to Inma Ridao Carlini for her thesis on ‘Wealth, Poverty and Social Mobility in Restoration Spain: A Critique of Liberal Society in the Novelas contemporáneas of Benito Pérez Galdós’.
June: (Rhian Davies, conference paper, ‘¿En busca del «hombre nuevo»? Retratos de la masculinidad en las Novelas de Torquemada (1889-95)’ at the ‘XI Congreso Internacional Galdosiano’, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
(Rhian Davies, publication) ‘¿Mujeres al borde de un naufragio’ or Potential Female Redeemers: The Representation and Role of Women in Galdós’s Torquemada Novels’, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 23 (2017), 297-316.
April: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) ‘“And He will come again”’: The Messiah and Hopes for the Future in Galdós’s Torquemada Novels (1889-1895)’, at the Nineteenth-Century Hispanic Symposium in London.
April: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) ‘“¿Mujeres al borde de un naufragio?” The Role and Representation of Women in the Torquemada Novels’, at the AHGBI Conference, University of Exeter.
May: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'Time, place and narrative space in Galdós's Torquemada en la hoguera (1889)', III Nineteenth-Century Hispanism Symposium, Paris.
June: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'El mundo del siglo XIX en la obra periodística de Galdós', X Congreso Galdosiano, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. See:
(Rhian Davies, publication) ‘El mundo del siglo XIX en la obra novelística y periodística de Galdós’, in Actas del X Congreso Internacional de estudios galdosianos (Las Palmas: Cabildo Insular de Gran Canaria, 2015), pp.167-73.
November: Galdós Lecture (Stephen Roberts).
April: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'Living in the public eye: Multiple identities and celebrity status. Benito Pérez Galdós and the fin de siglo Spanish Press' at the AHGBI conference, University of Stirling.
November: Galdós Lecture (Sally Faulkner).
April: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'Writing for a living: Vocation or chore? Benito Pérez Galdós’s career as a journalist', at the AHGBI conference, University of Nottingham.
March: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Bridging the gap: 19th century literature and 21st century students', as part of the 'Semana Cultural' series at the University of Bristol.
November: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Manuscripts and multimedia: Analysing 19th century texts', LLAS Subject Centre event on 'Textual analysis' at the University of Bath.
October: PhD awarded to Anna Homan for her thesis on 'Education and Genesis in Galdós's El doctor Centeno'.
October: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Unleashing the creative spirit: Teaching 19th century Spanish literature in the 21st century', E. Allison Peers symposium: on 'Research-led teaching and the future of the discipline', University of Liverpool.
June: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'La Ciudad Imperial: Toledo en la obra periodística y novelística de Galdós', IX Congreso Galdosiano, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
April: (Rhian Davies, seminar paper) 'Civilisation and barbarity in the Torquemada novels', University of Sheffield.
January: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Translations and interpretations', 'Texts in translations', Subject Centre event, Humanities Research Institute, Sheffield.
November: Galdós Lecture (Peter Bly).
April: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Inquiry based learning: Learner drivers in the Grand Prix?', CILASS Staff/Student Symposium, University of Sheffield.
June: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Fathoming the unfathomable: The uses of inquiry-based learning in literature teaching', LTEA (CEEBL) conference, Manchester. Events archive
April: (Rhian Davies, conference paper) 'Death in the Torquemada novels'. AHGBI conference, Liverpool.
October: (Rhian Davies, paper) 'Teaching literature with film', 'Routes into reading' symposium (organised by the Subject Centre), London.
June: Rhian Davies and Nicholas Round gave papers at the Congreso Internacional de Estudios Galdosianos in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria.
May: Our electronic edition of Torquemada en la hoguera was published by HriOnline. Also, the eighth Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on 'Cervantes in Galdós' was given by Francisco Caudet.
March: The project welcomed Dr María Ascensión Andrades Ruiz of the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, who (sponsored by Spain's Ministry of Education), has come to work on 'La recepción de Galdós en el Reino Unido'.
October: Anna Homan, who was awarded a project studentship at the University of Sheffield, began to work on the electronic edition of El doctor Centeno.
May: The seventh Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on '"What is the Stars?" Galdós and the measures of mankind' was given by Nicholas Round.
April: PhD awarded to Paddy Scott for her thesis on 'Women in the novels of Eça de Queiroz and Benito Pérez Galdós'.
March: The sixth Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on 'Galdosian odysseys' was given by Diane Urey in March 2003.
November: The fifth Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on 'Galdos, our contemporary' was given by James Whiston.
April: Rhian Davies gave a paper on 'Teaching students how to read: The uses of IT in studying the novels of Benito Pérez Galdós' at the CILT Symposium on 'Curriculum innovation', London.
May: The fourth Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on 'Gifts in the novels of Galdós' was given by Rodolfo Cardona.
March: Nicholas Round and Rhian Davies attended the 'VII Congreso Internacional Galdosiano' at Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, where they gave a joint paper on 'Los usos de la nueva tecnología según las experiencias del Proyecto Galdós'.
September: Rhian Davies gave a paper on 'Towards the modern reader: The uses of IT in editing the novels of Benito Pérez Galdós' at the Digital Resources in the Humanities (DRH) 2000 Conference, Sheffield.
March: Rhian Davies gave a paper on 'Galdós, the editor and the modern reader' at the colloquium, 'PhD, MPhil, IT… Research and new technologies in an arts department', which was organised by the Department of Hispanic Studies and held in the Humanities Research Institute of the University of Sheffield.
November: Nicholas Round and Rhian Davies gave a joint paper on 'New ways of reading Galdós: From Galdós studies to the Sheffield Galdós Project' at the 'Colloquium in memory of John Varey', University of London.
April to May: The Sheffield Galdós Seminars
May: The third Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture on 'Sentimental genetics: The birth of the intimate human sphere in narrative (Miau)' was given by Germán Gullón.
January: Rhian Davies gave a paper on 'The Pérez Galdós Editions Project: Creating electronic packages of the Torquemada novels' at the graduate seminar in Spanish studies at the University of Oxford.
May: Professor Geoffrey Ribbans (Brown University, USA) gave the second Annual Pérez Galdós Lecture, entitled 'Slice of life or autonomous creation? Galdós's novels within the realist tradition', at St George's Church, Mappin Street, Sheffield.
March: Nicholas Round gave a public lecture on 'Las novelas de Torquemada de Benito Pérez Galdós' at the Centro Cultural 'La Beneficencia', Valencia. The following day he and Rhian Davies gave a presentation on the Galdós Editions Project to members of staff of the University of Valencia (in particular those associated with the Max Aub Project). They then flew to Mallorca to give another presentation on the project at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma.
March: Rhian Davies gave a paper on 'The Pérez Galdós Editions Project: Creating electronic scholarly editions' at a one-day conference on 'Teaching European literature and culture with C&IT (Communication and Information Technologies)' organised by the CTI, Oxford.
January: The Pérez Galdós Editions Project and the André Gide Editions Project (Department of French, University of Sheffield) hosted a two-day international workshop on 'Genetic criticism: Theory and practices' at the University of Sheffield.
June: Geoffrey Ribbans, Nicholas Round and Rhian Davies attended the sixth Congreso Internacional Galdosiano, which was based on the theme 'Galdós y el 98' and held at the Casa de Colón, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. A special slot at the conference was allocated to the Pérez Galdós Editions Project, during which Nicholas Round outlined the history and aims of the project. Rhian Davies gave a computer demonstration to give the audience an idea of the components of the project's 'package'.
April: Roy Hattersley gave the inaugural Pérez Galdós Lecture - the first in a series jointly funded by the University of Sheffield and the Spanish Embassy. HE the Spanish Ambassador and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sheffield were among those present and the event attracted an audience of several hundred from this University and others, and from the public at large. The text of the lecture, entitled 'Pérez Galdós: The illusion of life itself', is available in pamphlet form.
March: Nicholas Round and Rhian Davies flew out to the USA to attend the 'Franco-Hispanic workshop on editing manuscripts' at Brown University, Providence. Rhian Davies collaborated with Geoffrey Ribbans to present a paper on 'The problems of editing critical editions of Galdós's novels'.
December: Our four advisors, Yolanda Arencibia, Julian Avila, Francisco Caudet and Carmen Menendez came to Sheffield for a workshop on the Galdós Editions Project and made many invaluable comments. The day ended with a seminar, which was given by Rhian Davies on the composition of Torquemada en la hoguera, and was attended by the advisors and members of the Hispanic Studies Department.
May: We benefited from the experience of Francisco Caudet of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, who came to Sheffield as our visiting professor and spoke to us about editing Fortunata y Jacinta.